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Travels: Hudson, MA

One of the great things about working for Therapy Gardens is getting to travel all around the state. The only downside is the traffic and, with a little planning, even that can be minimized.

Once you get away from all the congestion of Routes 93 and 128, Massachusetts has some great scenery. And you don't have to go very far to see it.

I recently found myself in Hudson, MA and, I have to admit, it's a pretty nice place.

Hudson has roots dating back to its founding in 1866. It was initially a part of neighboring towns like Marlborough and Stow before gaining independence. Over the years, the town has evolved from an agricultural settlement into a hub of commerce and community life.

In recent years, Hudson has seen a resurgence in its local arts scene. Galleries and seasonal events have become gathering points for residents and visitors alike, adding to the town's character and charm.

I particularly liked this City Garden, just off Main Street.


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